

about blossom + thorn

blossom + thorn was created by Melissa Szaro (she/her) in Portland, Oregon, and is now based in Bend, OR. I discovered the power of plants in my early twenties when I struggled with unexplainable chronic health issues and extreme pain. After years of searching for remedies, the natural world offered much-needed relief and inspired me to learn more. blossom + thorn was created through my love of plants, creating things with them, and sharing them with others. Everything I make is sourced sustainably, with respect and care, using all-natural ingredients and fresh plant material.

Everything is processed by hand in small batches. Sometimes items are not available for a while depending on the season and appropriate times to sustainably source ingredients.

All packaging and shipping supplies are sustainably sourced. A portion of my work is donated to reparations, mutual aid efforts, and environmental causes.

When wild-harvesting, I acknowledge that I am a white settler living on stolen land. I prioritize growing herbs when I can or getting organically grown herbs from local farmers, and when this isn’t possible, I turn to wild harvesting. Each time I wildcraft, I keep this in mind. I do not take more than I need, always ask before taking, and give thanks to the land and the people who tended the wild spaces before my time. When purchasing plant medicine from me, you are not paying for the plant itself, but for the supplies used and the time dedicated to making the medicine. Plants are not meant to be profited from, they are gifts from the Earth. They are not here for us but can support us to live in better harmony with ourselves and the world.


about me

Melissa is a clinical herbalist that discovered the power of plants through her own chronic health struggles and personal experience. She studied Sustainability at Arizona State University, where she received a BS in Sustainable Ecosystems. She received a health coach certificate from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition and also studied herbalism at the Elderberry School of Botanical Medicine in Portland, Oregon, where she became a clinical herbalist. She went on to teach Plant Spirit Meditations workshops at the Elderberry School and for the community (pre-covid). She is also a E-RYT 200 yoga teacher and received Trauma-Informed yoga teacher training through Living Yoga. She weaves all of these passions into her practice. When not working on one of her healing-inspired projects, you can find her gardening, rock climbing, volunteering, crafting herbal medicine, camping, or out in nature with her dog, Rudy.

You are your best healer. Only you can find your medicine.

Big thanks to Becka Lesieutre from The Black & White Basement for the photos on the website.

Also big thanks to Holly White for designing my brand logo.